Benefits And Harms Of Coffee
Do you like to drink coffee?
If you do, you'll love it even more when you learn what it can do for you and your health. It's no secret that a delicious cup of coffee can instantly cheer you up in the morning and put you in the right mood for the whole day. But did you know that it can also have great benefits for your health?

caffeine benefits and harms
7 health benefits of drinking coffee
Did you know that coffee can do much more than just give your morning a boost? There are actually a number of health benefits to drinking coffee regularly. So, before switching to herbal teas, read on to learn more about what coffee can do for you and your body.
1. Decreased gallstones

benefits and harms of coffee
The Harvard School of Public Health recently published a study indicating that drinking caffeinated coffee on a regular basis can significantly reduce the incidence of gallbladder disease and gallstones in both women and men.
2. Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease
Two studies, one of which was published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, showed that individuals who drank about two cups of caffeinated coffee per day were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than individuals who did not drink coffee or drank a small to moderate amount.
3. Reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease
Studies have shown that the amount of coffee and caffeine consumed can be inversely related to an individual's risk of developing Parkinson's disease. This means that the more coffee you drink, the lower your chances of getting sick.
4. Antioxidant and anti-cancer properties
Coffee is a powerful source of antioxidants - agents that fight cancer-causing free radicals. Coffee is full of the compound methylpyridinium, which cannot be found in many other food items and is not at the level available in coffee. You can get antioxidants from both decaffeinated and decaffeinated coffee as long as the beans are roasted enough.
5. Increase cognitive ability
Studies have shown that regular coffee drinkers score significantly higher on tests of cognitive ability, tests of spatial awareness, intelligence tests, and short-term memory studies.
The effect of coffee on an individual's cognitive ability appears to be most pronounced in elderly and female study participants.
6. Stimulate the bowels
Coffee is a tonic and laxative. Some alternative practitioners even prescribe coffee enemas to stimulate the lower colon.
However, since coffee is also a diuretic, it can cause constipation in some individuals.
7. Reducing the risk of gout
A large study of more than 45,000 men conducted over 12 years showed that the amount of coffee consumed was inversely associated with the risk of developing gout or the likelihood that they would develop gout.
Remember, everything should be practiced in moderation, and health concerns should always be discussed with a medical professional. So, while a moderate amount of coffee has its benefits, an excessive amount can also cause problems. Heavy coffee drinking can lead to irritability, anxiety, sleep deprivation, cardiovascular problems, and elevated cholesterol levels.
The recommended amount of coffee
It is important to note however that there is a recommended amount of coffee to be consumed per day. A cup or two of your favorite black coffee will suffice throughout the day, but be careful not to add too much sugar or milk to ease your caloric intake. And while coffee can do a lot for you, too much has harmful effects.
Side effects of drinking coffee
coffee side effects on females And Males

daily coffee side effects
Too much coffee a day can lead to dehydration and increase blood pressure. So even if you love coffee as much as everyone else, it's always best to take everything in moderation.
Those who are trying to diet and lose weight may hinder their progress through their consumption of coffee. If you want to avoid weight gain in the long term, you should avoid caffeine. In the short term, you may think that you can lose more weight by drinking more coffee each day.
This happens as a result of the diuretic effect of coffee, you will initially lose water but not fat. Caffeine increases stress hormones within the body that increase the risk of developing hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels. You will likely feel hungry sooner than you should as a result of this hormone.
You also aren't helping things by adding extra sugar to your coffee. In conclusion, research has shown that drinking some coffee may actually be good for your health. However, the same research also proves that drinking more than three cups of coffee per day may start to increase the negative health risks that can arise.
Make sure you don't try to drink more than this amount of coffee. Doing so allows you to get the benefits of drinking coffee without the potentially harmful side effects of drinking too much coffee.